Suzanne Berger
Institute Professor
Political economy; comparative politics; globalization; innovation; production; European politics; French politics.
Institute Professor
Political economy; comparative politics; globalization; innovation; production; European politics; French politics.
Mitsui Professor of Political Science
Director of the MIT Political Experiments Research Lab (PERL)
Survey research; political methodology; political behavior; public opinion; American politics; political rumors; misinformation; survey methodology; experimental research.
Arthur and Ruth Sloan Professor of Political Science
Director of Undergraduate Studies
American politics; public opinion; political behavior; inequality; policy feedbacks; social policy; health policy; tax policy.
American political development; Southern politics; representation; political parties; Congress; state politics; latent-variable models; survey weighting; regression-discontinuity designs; permutation inference.
Ford Career Development Associate Professor of Political Science
Legacies of violence; political economy; political behavior; Eastern Europe; Holocaust; WWII; ethnic politics; authoritarianism; politics and history; migration.
Professor of Political Science
International relations; cybersecurity; international conflict; cyberpolitics; global accord; sustainable development; cyberwar.
Ford International Professor of the Social Sciences
Director, MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
Director, MIT Sociotechnical Systems Research Center (SSRC)
Civil wars; political violence; identity politics; post-conflict reconstruction; field experiments; big data; Middle East.
Arthur and Ruth Sloan Professor of Political Science
Director of the MIT Security Studies Program
International relations; international security; military strategy; nuclear strategy; territorial disputes; maritime disputes; China; East Asia
Assistant Professor of Political Science
International relations theory; international security; political economy of security; wartime trade; order formation; sovereignty; state decline.
Associate Professor of Political Science
Comparative politics; bureaucracy; public administration; the state; contentious politics; state repression; African Politics; Middle East and North African Politics.
Associate Professor of Political Science
Latin America; political institutions; representation; accountability; clientelism; causal inference; elections.
Associate Professor of Political Science
Political methodology; international trade; political economy; big data; machine learning; game theory; lobbying; lobbyview; visualization; dimension reduction.
Associate Professor of Political Science
Homeland security; Mexico; leadership; voting; media; political communication.
Total Professor of Political Science and Contemporary Africa
Director, Center for International Studies
Political economy of development; ethnicity/identity; public policy; research methods; accountability; governance; democracy; state-building; Africa.
Leo Marx Career Development Associate Professor in the History and Culture of Science and Technology
Emerging technology, crisis escalation, and security strategy.
Frank Stanton Professor of Nuclear Security and Political Science
Director, Center for Nuclear Security Policy
Nuclear; nuclear proliferation; nuclear strategy; south Asia; international relations; international security.
Associate Professor of Political Science
Political economy of development; comparative political behavior; urban politics; state-building; distributive politics and clientelism; political parties; Africa.
Associate Professor of Political Science
Middle East Politics; International Relations; Comparative Politics; Religion; Gender; Statistics; Interpretive Methods
Comparative Politics; identity; transitional / retrospective justice; violence; Brazil; US South.
Professor of Political Science, Post-Tenure
International relations; science and technology policy; risk governance; biotechnology; information technology.
Professor of Political Science, Emeritus
Civil war; violence; war; conflict; Iraq; social science; emotions.
David W. Skinner Professor of Political Economy, Emeritus
Economics; international affairs; labor market; technology; industrial organization; social and political mobilization.
Ford International Professor of Political Science
Security studies; international relations; international security; military strategy; restraint; nuclear studies; military doctrine.
Ford International Professor of Political Science
Japanese politics; Asian security; Grand Strategy; Political Leadership.
Professor of Public Policy and Organization, Emeritus
Public policy; security studies program; policy outcomes; institutional structure.
Business politics; political economy; education politics; industrial policy; business groups; comparative capitalism; social policy; Latin America; Brazil.
International political economy; financial crises; migration; exchange rate politics; central banking; regulation
Professor of Political Science, Emeritus
Science policy; public policy; technology; international affairs; proliferation; climate change.
Kenan Sahin (1963) Distinguished Professor of Political Science
Elections; Congress; American politics.
Raphael Dorman-Helen Starbuck Associate Professor of Political Science
Nuclear deterrence and escalation; U.S. military operations and strategy; security issues in Asia and the Persian Gulf.
Ford Professor of Political Science
Political economy; historical institutionalism; labor politics; social policy; advanced industrial countries.
Ford Professor of Political Science
Political behavior of development; political economy of development; state-society relations; governance; corruption; accountability; political participation; citizen engagement; Chinese politics; African politics.
Professor of Political Science Emeritus
International relations; war; foreign policy; security policy; US intervention.
Associate Professor of Political Science
American politics; political behavior; voting; race/ethnicity.
Class of 1943 Career Development Associate Professor of Political Science
Contemporary political theory; bureaucracy; ethnographic methods; architecture and politics; 20th century European political thought.