Congratulations 2020 Political Science graduates!

MIT Political Science

The Department of Political Science will host a virtual graduation celebration to honor the accomplishments of 24 students graduating with bachelors degrees, masters degrees, and PhD's.

Image: Heiko Stein/Pixabay

The department of Political Science sends a virtual "congratulations" to our amazing 2020 graduates!

We celebrate your creativity, resilience, and courage, and we look forward to staying in touch in the coming years.

Michelle Bai
Anoushka Bose
Nwanacho Nwana
Adelaide Oh
Frances Parker-Hale
Kaitlin Tucci
Sarah Powazek

Samuel Hoar
Len Chow Koh
Cheng Yi Lewis Won

Olivia Bergman
Elissa Berwick
Maria Loreto Cox Alciano
Elizabeth Dekeyser
Michael Freedman
Nicholas Intscher
Philip Martin
Timothy McDonnell
Andrew Miller
Cullen Nutt
Ignacio Puente
Tesalia Rizzo Reyes
Guillermo Toral
Clara Vandeweerdt