Introducing the Political Methodology Lab (PML)

MIT's center of activities related to political methodology

Teppei Yamamoto, Director, MIT Political Methodology Lab (PML) The Political Methodology Lab

I am pleased to announce the official launch of the Political Methodology Lab (PML), MIT's center of activities related to political methodology. PML's mission is to foster research and education in the area of quantitative political methodology through various channels. We are always looking for innovative ways to fulfill our goal in the midst of constantly advancing technology.

PML Speaker Series: We invite first-rate methodologists to present their current research so that the methods community at MIT will have the opportunity to interact with them and learn about cutting-edge research on quantitative methods. The invited speakers include researchers in the field of political methodology, as well as scholars in various related fields such as statistics, econometrics, and data science. We are currently working on the list of speakers for the year, which will be announced shortly on this page.

PML Workshop Series: We organize tutorial sessions for members of our community who want to acquire new computational and analytical skills. They are usually taught by current graduate students or faculty members who are experts in the techniques. Graduate students, researchers, and interested faculty members are all welcome to attend the sessions. The schedule for this fall's workshops is on this page.

PML Research Grants: Our grants provide funding for a variety of methods-related projects. The grants are administered by the PML, with generous support from the Department of Political Science. Projects potentially eligible for funding include research projects seeking to develop new quantitative methods, empirical research projects involving innovative use of advanced quantitative methods, and projects for Course 17 undergraduate subjects that involve quantitative analysis. Applications for the 2017-18 Grants are now open and considered on a rolling basis: Please check this page for more information.

PML Cluster Computer: Very soon, we are launching a high-performance computing cluster that is tailored to our own needs. The PML cluster will be available for use to all members of the PML community. We will hold a workshop session focusing on the use of this cluster as well as other high-performance computing facilities. Stay tuned!

PML Email List: Subscribe to this list if you want to participate in the methods-related discussion among our community members. You can post your own question which someone in the community might have a quick answer to. (This list is intended to replace and extend the existing "ps-statcomp" list -- subscribers to that list are all encouraged to migrate!) More info on this page.

Please get the words out and participate in the various events and activities. I am looking forward to working with you toward our mission.

Teppei Yamamoto
PML Director
