Writing Clean and Efficient Code

Adam Kaplan

November 19, 2021 3:00PM Millikan Room, E53-482

In this workshop you will be given an introduction and references on how to write "clean" and reproducible code in R. The workshop can be roughly divided into two parts. First, writing clean code, which includes advice on code annotation, structuring, and refactoring. The second will foucs on replicability, which heavily relies on having readable code, but will also goes over package version management using packrat. Finally, Adam will also provide some basic debugging advice.

Link: https://mit.zoom.us/rec/share/QguaYzNvkIFzO8j1bfS9lqqiQYukGWCT8oJfTxbz8iGeZdBiDHhFthYfW1mmUW3d.qa91fdVRWXpP-LGg

Please RSVP with an email to zmarko@mit.edu for password.

Materials from the workshop:
