Citizenship 2.0: Dual Nationality as a Global Asset
Yossi Harpaz
Harvard/ Tel-Aviv University
February 4, 2020 12:00PM E53-482, The Millikan Room
Title: "Citizenship 2.0: Dual Nationality as a Global Asset”
Abstract: The talk will present Harpaz's book "Citizenship 2.0: Dual Nationality as a Global Asset," which was recently published with Princeton University Press. The book examines the global consequences of the growing legitimacy and prevalence of dual citizenship. States' tolerance of dual citizenship has created new opportunities for millions of persons from Latin America, Eastern Europe and Israel to strategically acquire a second, premium citizenship from EU countries or the United States. To acquire dual citizenship, applicants draw on their ancestry or ethnicity, or strategize their children's place of birth. In the book, Harpaz compares three study cases: EU dual citizenship in Israel, Hungarian (EU) citizenship in Serbia, and U.S. citizenship in Mexico. The talk will focus on the case of elite Mexican parents who travel to the U.S. to give birth there to secure dual citizenship for their children, without intending to settle in the U.S.
Lunch will be provided, so please RSVP in advance.