The Role of Data Science in Getting Power to the People
Jake Porway
Founder and Executive Director DataKind
March 21, 2018 12:00PM E51-095
Data science can help provide individuals and smaller organizations with the tools and insights needed to champion causes, ensure more democratic governance, and exert greater influence on policy in pursuit of a better world. Jake will talk about DataKind's work in applying data science and artificial intelligence in support of these efforts: from stopping hate sites from manipulating search results to protecting the rights of tenants and fair housing to preventing corruption in the extractives industry by detecting illegal mining.
DataKind is a global nonprofit that harnesses the power of data science, machine learning and AI in the service of humanity. DataKind engages pro bono data scientists and social change organizations worldwide to collaborate on projects addressing critical humanitarian problems. Named one of Fast Company’s Top 10 Most Innovative Nonprofits for 2017, the organization and its global community of more than 18,000 data science volunteers, social change-makers, and funding partners has completed over 250 projects since its launch in 2011 and provided pro bono data science support to nearly 200 organizations worldwide.
Jake Porway has spent nearly a decade working alongside the nonprofit community to drive social change with the power of data science. Before founding DataKind, he worked as a data scientist for the New York Times R&D Lab and as a research scientist studying machine learning and probabilistic modeling with NASA, the Office of Naval Research and other government agencies. Jake holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Columbia University and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Statistics from UCLA.