"Machine Learning and Data Science in Politics" Poster Session
May 16, 2018 9:30AM E51-095
Poster Session 1 (Undergraduate)
May 16 (Wed) between 9:30 and 11:00 AM at E51- 095
Undergraduate students who are currently taking 17.835 ("Machine Learning and Data Science in Politics") will be presenting their group projects. There are going to be 15 group projects.
Students have very diverse backgrounds majoring in different subjects (Course numbers of the students in the class include 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24). They have worked really hard to study politics throughout the semester collecting their own data and analyzing them. Please stop by and share your thoughts on their projects as many of them are excited to learn more about political science research!
Please contact the webmaster or Professor In Song Kim for their abstracts.
Poster Session 2 (Graduate)
May 18 (Friday) between 10:30AM and 12:00PM in the Millikan Room (E53-482)
Graduate students who are currently taking 17.806 ("Quantitative Research Methods IV") will be presenting their projects. This is a venue where they present their research projects at an early stage in order to receive feedback. This year, we have 10 exciting posters!